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Re: [ptp-dev] CoreException/NullPointerException after selecting connection in Profile Configuration Dialog

That might be what's going on. I was consistently getting the errors with an Eclipse runtime instance launched from my IDE. I tried to narrow this down by picking different git commits to reset to, clearing both my workspace and configuration info in the run configuration dialog launching the runtime instance each time. I backed up about 4 months and the errors were gone. I then stepped forward all the way back to my git HEAD, clearing workspace and configuration data at each step and the error never came back. So it seems there's something in my environment, but I don't know what my base Eclipse instance is picking up/ I tried renaming my ~/.eclipse, ~/.m2 and ~/.p2 directories to see if that might be the problem, but that did not help.I'm not sure what other directories may affect this. I have done a clean install of the 2019-03 Eclipse for Parallel/Scientific developers, so contents of eclipse.ini should not be pointing to alternate versions of Java.
When I look at plugins in the plugins list in the about Eclipse dialog, I only see com.sun.xml.bind 2.2.0 and javax.bind 2.2.0

Inactive hide details for Greg Watson ---11/05/2019 02:51:56 PM---Hi Dave, It’s actually failing with a ClassCastException at Greg Watson ---11/05/2019 02:51:56 PM---Hi Dave, It’s actually failing with a ClassCastException at line 142 of ContextFinder because the cr

From: Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Parallel Tools Platform general developers <ptp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 11/05/2019 02:51 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [ptp-dev] CoreException/NullPointerException after selecting connection in Profile Configuration Dialog
Sent by: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Dave,

It’s actually failing with a ClassCastException at line 142 of ContextFinder because the created context is not an instance of JAXBContext. So it looks like you have two different versions of JAXB installed somehow. JAXB is one of the “problem" packages because of the way it dynamically loads classes. I suspect it’s something to do with the Java version, or possibly the changes that were made to support Java 12.

      On Nov 5, 2019, at 2:16 PM, David Wootton <dwootton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

      I'm encountering a problem with my plugin. I open a profile configuration dialog select a target system configuration and then a connection name. At that point I get a popup with the title 'Launch Error' and only an icon in the message area. There is no message. I tracked down that this comes from one of two instances of PTPLaunchPlugin.errorDialog. That is being called due to a CoreException, which is in turn caused by catching an Exception (NullPointerException)
      The top of the traceback for the null pointer exception is included with this email
      I tried looking at variables in the stack. The target system configuration string that is passed to LaunchController.realizeRMDataFromXML is a simple target system configuration with a single tab with a GridLayout and only contains a label widget. I wrote this three years ago and it has not changed since.
      The javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance method at line 375 is being passed which seems reasonable

      I am stuck at Eclipse version 2019-03 for this for support reasons. I'm running Java 1.8.0_181

      The odd thing is that I have an Eclipse plugin version of the code and a RCP version, where the profile configuration dialog code should be the same for both. The RCP version works fine.

      I have made changes to target system configurations, but not this one, in recent months, and also to a separate JAXB ETFW XML file, but I don't know what I could have done to cause these failures.

      I know there's not much to go on here, but I'm wondering if this might be something familiar, or what else I might look at to figure out what's going on.



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