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[ptp-dev] Potential RDT Bug


I have been trying to get remote projects working as I work with a lot of remote machines and this seems like a killer feature.  However, I have only been able to get this to work without the index service (I do not have root access to the remote machines and I haven't been able to connect to a server using the non-deamon version yet. Presumably I need port forwarding).

The bug is the following null-pointer exception:
An internal error occurred during: "C/C++ Indexer".

Steps to reproduce:
1. New -> Remote C/C++ Project
Remote Provider: RSE
Connection: someserver-ssh (SSH-Only Remote System)
Remote Makefile Project: Linux GCC
2. Next Next Next Finish
3. *Exception*

If I instead choose a remote system that also provides a dstore.processes service I get the same error in addition to the following:
Error Updating Discovered info. Updating discovered includes and macros. Details: Error updating discovered info.

Local System:    Mac OS X 10.5.8.
Remote System: Linux 2.6.27
Eclipse Version:  Eclipse Helios M7
CDT Version:      cdt-master-7.0.0-I201005211239
PTP Version:      ptp-master-4.0.0-I201005201043


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