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[ptp-dev] Debug UI Update

Hi All,
    I committed the latest UI change to CVS.  Please play around it.
Previous bugs and fixed:
1.  Previous, it will select one extra element if selected some elements at the right hand side.
2.  Previous, it will select one more row or column if I selected in the empty area between two elements.  Now it will not select any elements in empty space.
3.  Previous, the red rectangle will stop drawing if the mouse is over the view.  Now, the user can still draw the rectangle if the mouse is over the view.
1.  Changed the title in tab.  In the view's tab, it will show the group name and number of elements in this group.
2.  Added delete key and delete icon to remove one or more elements in current group.  After the user selected some elements in the group, he/she can use delete key or a delete button in toolbar to remove them in current group.  User cannot remove elements in Root.
3.  Added page up and page down keys.  User can use the PgUp or PgDn key to scroll up or down.  Each time it will scroll one page of elements.
4.  Select the elements when start to drag.  If the red dotted rectangle is moving to touch an element, this element will be selected immediately.
5.  Auto scroll down or up if the user is dragging to select multiple elements (I spend much time on this part).  When user start dragging to create the red dotted rectangle and the mouse is over the view, the view will automatically scroll up or down.
6.  Created a black rectangle rounding the element if this element is registered.  Selected the elements and then press register button on toolbar.  Those elements will have black rectangle to round them.  Double click on an element, it will create the black rectangle too.  If double clicked on the registered element, it will unregister that element and remove the black rectangle.  I haven't done the unregistered button in toolbar.  I have some ideas on this point, but I need to clear the register function first.  Maybe use different colors to represent different groups.
7.  Update the tooltip.  If the mouse is hovered on the element, it will show more information of this element.  Currently, it will show its process ID, which group contains this element or multiple groups contain this element and its status.  I can add more information on the tooltip.  This tooltip will calculate the location to display.  For example, it normally displays the tooltip down below the element.  If the tooltip's size is over the view, it will change the location to put it above the element.
8.  Currently I used my simulation to test my view.  You can change the "dummy" attribute in org.eclipse.ptp.debug.ui.UIDebugManager to connect to donny's work.

Clement Chu
Research Assistant
School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Monash University, Caulfield Campus
Ph: 61 3 9903 1964

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