+1 to become a co-Polarsys PMC if you candidate.
As indicated in your user page [1], you’ve cumulated a lot of experience over the last past years in the Eclipse development
as Project Lead and committer of Amalgamation, EMF Diff/Merge, Capella, and committer of Kitalpha.
I let Wayne validate this.
[1] https://projects.eclipse.org/user/3238
De : polarsys-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <polarsys-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
De la part de DUL Philippe
Envoyé : mercredi 9 décembre 2020 17:44
À : Polarsys PMC mailing list <polarsys-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Objet : Re: [polarsys-pmc] PMC Composition
Sorry for delay,
As project lead of Eclipse Capella project, I agree with you Wayne,
I recommend that we grow the PMC by appointing a representative from each project under the PolarSys Top Level Project (e.g. a project lead). This is a common approach for a Top Level Project the size of Eclipse PolarSys. With such a composition,
the PMC could, for example, make a rule that a PMC member cannot approve requests from their own project.
Sounds good.
Best regards,
The PMC members of PolarSys are Wayne and me today.
We should have another PMC member among the PMCs of the PolarSys projects.
> Wayne, correct me if I’m wrong.
Is there a candidate for?
Best regards,
De :
polarsys-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx <polarsys-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
De la part de Wayne Beaton
Envoyé : vendredi 15 novembre 2019 18:08
À : Polarsys PMC mailing list <polarsys-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Objet : Re: [polarsys-pmc] PMC Composition
Anybody can join the PMC mailing list. Joining the list does not make one a member of the PMC.
PMC members are appointed by the EMO(ED) based on recommendations from the PMC Lead.
Hello Wayne,
I agree that a PMC member cannot approve requests from his own project.
Benoît Viaud should also be a member of this mailing list… I can send a mail to the other
project leads of the PolarSys projects to join it.
De :
polarsys-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
De la part de Wayne Beaton
Envoyé : vendredi 15 novembre 2019 15:53
À : Polarsys PMC mailing list
Objet : [polarsys-pmc] PMC Composition
Greetings PMC... both of you.
At present, the Eclipse PolarSys PMC has two members. Benoit is the PMC Lead and I am the sole other PMC Member. FWIW, I was appointed to help the PMC get established
and should have retired from the position some time ago.
For a PMC to function, it requires more than one or two members.
I recommend that we grow the PMC by appointing a representative from each project under the PolarSys Top Level Project (e.g. a project lead). This is a common
approach for a Top Level Project the size of Eclipse PolarSys. With such a composition, the PMC could, for example, make a rule that a PMC member cannot approve requests from their own project.
I'm obviously in favour. What do you think, Benoit?
For PolarSys project leads monitoring this list, what do you think?
Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects |
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects |
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.