[Mail with the right PMC mailing list]
Yesterday, a first taxonomy was defined to qualify the PolarSys projects. It is available here: https://wiki.polarsys.org/PolarSys_Taxonomy
The purpose is to decline it now on the PolarSys projects and solutions.
The two following tables provided an initial list.
Dear PolarSys PMC, can you validate or complete this qualification ?
In final, the purpose is to have a page like the IOT projects page. https://iot.eclipse.org/projects/
Thank you,
Project name | Engineering Domain | Maturity Level |
ArCon | Design | Experimental |
B612 - The PolarSys Font | Standard | Operational |
Capella | System Engineering | Validated |
COTSAQ | ALM | Operational |
Eclipse Product Lifecycle Management Platform (ePLM) | PLM | Experimental |
Eclipse Safety Framework | Co-Engineering | |
Kitalpha | Tool Platform | Validated |
OpenCert | Co-Engineering | |
PolarSys CHESS | Design | Experimental |
PolarSys NG661 Designer | Design | Experimental |
PolarSys Rover | Education | Experimental |
PolarSys Time4Sys | Co-Engineering | Experimental |
POP | Software Engineering | Experimental |
ReqCycle | Requirements | |
Solution name | Engineering Domain | Maturity Level |
Capella | Cf. project table | |
Papyrus for UML / SysML | System Engineering Software Engineering | |
Papyrus-RT | Software Engineering | |
Papyrus for UML | Software Engineering | |
Kitalpha | Cf. project table | |