Hello Raphaël,
Three questions before approval:
1. Can you add details about the ReqCycle community?
2. In the Installation Guide page [1], there are download references to github. I have seen that are builds of ReqCycle (with one zip file). The download of ReqCycle must be from the PolarSys servers. Can you clarify this point?
3. About the target environments. Are your builds really compatible with Windows 32-bits, 64-bits, Linux and Mac-OS?
De : polarsys-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de FAUDOU raphael
Envoyé : mercredi 12 août 2015 17:59
À : Polarsys PMC mailing list
Objet : [polarsys-pmc] ReqCycle 0.8.0 release: approval of the review material
ReqCycle 0.8.0 release is planned for September 4th, 2015. Could you please check the review material available here:
Raphaël Faudou
Expert on systems engineering and modeling - methods and tools

1, place quentin de la Tour, 31700 Blagnac
Tel: +33 6 10 53 50 44