Hello everyone,
A new year has come (happy new year!),
along with a nice set of improvements to
the PolarSys dashboard [1].
Firstly the code of the PolarSys dashboard has been re-engineered
to be more generic and dynamic, and its codebase has been released
under an open source licence (EPL). The project is called Alambic
[2], and is best described as an open-source framework for the
management and visualisation of software development data. Its
development is hosted on bitbucket [3] for now.
New features have been introduced, like trends and manual data --
e.g. for deployment surveys. They are available right now in the
polarsys dashboard, and the logins/passwords defined for the
management of projects are the same (if you don't have one, just
ask me!).
New projects have been added to the dashboard, too:
* ESF (Eclipse Safety Framework)
=> http://dashboard.polarsys.org/projects/polarsys.esf.html
* Kitalpha
=> http://dashboard.polarsys.org/projects/polarsys.kitalpha.html
[1] http://dashboard.polarsys.org
[2] http://camp.castalia-solutions.com/alambic
[3] https://bitbucket.org/BorisBaldassari/alambic
Any feedback, question or remark is welcome!
Boris Baldassari
Castalia Solutions -- Elegant Software Engineering
Web: http://castalia.solutions
Tel: +33 6 48 03 82 89