In the following discussion after this email, Christof Hammel from
Bosch elaborates about the idea of model modularization:
<quote>This is an interesting discussion about the topic
"modularization of models".
We at Bosch call this "file distribution" and we also have a
well-defined distribution of
the data across different files.
This is a pretty well-proven concept and it would be an
interesting idea to have a kind
of standardization of this "file distribution". Maybe the Auto-IWG
could come up with a proposal
and inject this back to Autosar.</quote>
I strongly believe this is a topic on which we can establish
fruitful collaboration between Polarsys members and Auto-IWG
I know that on both side, the issue of managing big models split
into smaller parts is addressed, as well as the issue of using a
model repository like CDO for collaboration.
I think that if best practices for "model modularization" and CDO
based collaboration would be standardized, it could partly be made
"in common" between our two groups.
I crosspost on the two mailing lists so that we can continue the
Gaël Blondelle
OPEES project leader
-------- Message original --------
Dear all,
this email is to inform you about the outcome of the telco in WP2 on
experiences with CDO. Christian Schenk (Bosch) and Andreas Rytina
(itemis) reported on their experience in using CDO that results from a
project with a size of about 1-person-year. Eike Stepper (project lead
of CDO) joined as a guest and commented the results and provided
feedback on possible improvements.
In summary the results indicate that the use of CDO in the specific use
case resulted in an overhead in computation time of about factor 6.
Interestingly this factor also occurs if the involved model fully fitted
into memory and was already pre-fetched. This factor might be
significantly lower for other use cases. Nevertheless there will always
be a significant overhead in time when using CDO. Estimates in the
discussion ranged around a factor 2-3, but only specific test cases
could reveal exact numbers. Additionally the actual overhead greatly
depends on a specific use case and on how much the client is optimized
towards using CDO. For Bosch the final solution was to switch to a 64bit
JVM, since the models currently in use at Bosch fit in the memory of a
4GB machine.
In conclusion CDO (as well as other model repositories) will not be a
"silver bullet" that solves all problems involved in the usage of big
models in terms of memory consumption and computation time. It is a very
hard problem to be able to handle large models efficiently. To be able
to find a solution in the AutoIWG context a first and mandatory step
should be to discuss the requirements of the participants in terms of
maximum model size.
Additionally it was pointed out in the telco that there is a number of
other benefits that could require the use of model repository apart from
the aforementioned challenges. Collaborative work on models, improved
support for transactions and improved versioning and change
tracking/diffing have been discussed in the telco as potential benefits.
We suggest to add a discussion about the requirements for WP2 in terms
of maximum model size and about other potential requirements (e.g.
collaborative work) on the agenda of the next face-to-face meeting of
the IWG.
Best Regards,
Maximilian Kögel
Dr. Maximilian Kögel
Software Engineer / Consultant / General Manager
EclipseSource Munich
Email: mkoegel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mobil: +49 176 223 619 18
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EclipseSource München GmbH
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General Managers: Dr. Jonas Helming, Dr. Maximilian Kögel
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