It time that we define a top-level project for PolarSys.
We have a charter template document [1] that provides a foundation
for the charter. I've also included some links [2,3,4] for a few
existing Eclipse top-level projects.
Note that this is different from the PolarSys charter. It's more of
an operational document for some subset of the projects that will be
developed as part of PolarSys.
The top level project is the umbrella under which projects
(subprojects) operate. Each of the subprojects that fall under a
top-level project fit within the scope of the top level.
The trick here is to provide a scope with the right breadth. There's
no hard and fast advice regarding how to scope a top-level. But it
might help to think a bit about a small handful of categories of
project that we expect to eventually have at PolarSys. Each of those
categories is a potential top-level project.
Remember that each top-level project operates with a certain amount
of autonomy from other top-level projects.
I recommend that we start by brainstorming the categories of
project, and select one from that list to push forward with a first
top level project charter. We can use the wiki if that works/makes
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton
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