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The EclipseCon Europe
2012 Call for Papers is now open!
ECE will be October 23-25, 2012 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. This
year we are co-locating with OSGi
Community Event 2012, adding even more relevant and
interesting content to our premier European event.
We are looking for high-quality talks on a variety of topics.
This year's tracks are
- Eclipse Technology. Eclipse is a host for a
lot of great open-source projects such as Mylyn, Orion,
Equinox, and Xtext, and technologies such as modeling,
runtime, application lifecycle management, embedded, and so
on. New tools and techniques and state-of-the-nation talks
would also be found here.
- Building Industry Solutions. Eclipse has
proven to be a powerful platform for building flexible and
extensible applications. Many organizations are building
platforms that address the needs of a specific industry, like
banking, insurance, automotive, aerospace and others. This
track will feature case studies that explore the technology,
architecture, and policies required to build industry
- Community and Collaboration. How do we
function as a community, especially in industry collaboration?
What is important about the Eclipse development process and
our stewardship of Eclipse as a platform? What will the future
bring for Eclipse?
- OSGi. If you are submitting a proposal for
Community Event 2012, choose this track.
- Other Cool Stuff. Not everything will fit
easily into one of these themes. If your interesting topic
doesn't fit in the other tracks, choose this one.
your proposal soon – the deadline for submissions is July
31, 2012 (July 6 for OSGi Community Event proposals).
We look forward to attending your talk in Ludwigsburg!
Best regards,
Christian Campo
ECE Program Chair
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