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Re: [polarsys-iwg] Minutes of our last telco
Hi Raphaël,
Concerning gPM, I think that there are two aspects:
- hosting gPM in Polarsys: on this point we need to start working on
a proposal, IP due diligence process, ... As such, I think that it is
typically an experiment you can describe in the current table.
- using gPM to follow Polaryss processes: for this second point, we
need to know if it will be possible to get a JVM running on the Polarsys
infrastructure, and we need to develop the gpm instances we want to
setup for Polarsys. For the moment, I would create another experiment
(named gpm_processes for example), to host the development part of such
processes. I suggest that the gpm instance would be developped under the
EPL license, with the Polarsys process, what do you think about that?
Le 23/03/12 15:05, FAUDOU Raphael a écrit :
Thanks Gael.
Where do we put in the wiki the experiment about gPM to support a process definition? It is not really experimenting a component but rather building infrastructure.
Raphaël Faudou
Head of R&D, methods and tools
Embedded& Critical Systems
T +33 5 34 363 289
M +33 6 10 53 50 44
-----Message d'origine-----
De : polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Gaël Blondelle
Envoyé : vendredi 23 mars 2012 14:58
À : polarsys-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : [polarsys-iwg] Minutes of our last telco
Dear all,
The minutes of our last telco are on the wiki at
The next telco will take place this Wednesday April 4th at 5:00PM CET.
We will use the same virtual room as usual for this telco:
Belgium: (+32) 27920324
Canada: (+1) 4168498302
France: (+33) 172260138
Italy: (+39) 023 604 67 91
Spain: (+34) 917909586
Sweden: (+46) 853526463
PIN code: 14 54 74 04
Please do not hesitate to add in the agenda
(http://wiki.eclipse.org/Polarsys/Telcos/20120404) the points you would like to discuss during this meeting.
Looking forward talking to you soon.
Gaël Blondelle
OPEES Project Leader
+33 672 120 226
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