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[platform-ui-dev] Errors when building eclipse.platform.ui code

Hi Team,

After getting the code from, I am seeing below errors in my eclipse:

Description                                                                            Resource                  Path                                                 Location Type
Bundle 'org.eclipse.core.tests.harness' cannot be resolved MANIFEST.MF /org.eclipse.ui.tests.performance/META-INF  line 10 Plug-in Problem
Bundle 'org.eclipse.core.tests.harness' cannot be resolved MANIFEST.MF /org.eclipse.ui.tests/META-INF                  line 20 Plug-in Problem
Bundle 'org.eclipse.test.performance' cannot be resolved MANIFEST.MF /org.eclipse.ui.tests.forms/META-INF          line 9 Plug-in Problem
Bundle 'org.eclipse.test.performance' cannot be resolved MANIFEST.MF /org.eclipse.ui.tests.performance/META-INF  line 12 Plug-in Problem
Bundle 'org.eclipse.test.performance' cannot be resolved MANIFEST.MF /org.eclipse.ui.tests/META-INF                  line 19 Plug-in Problem

- I am using eclipse 4.7 SDK and have got the code from R4_7_maintenance branch.
- I have gone through the discussion in the bug : specifically the one in Comment11 where it was mentioned, 

"to add all pre-reqs", import from Git, the eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator project and use as the target platform".

Even then, my issue is not resolved and I still see the same errors. Could you please guide me here or provide me with any software site location where the above jars can be downloaded or added to my Target Platform. 


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