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[platform-ui-dev] Build Submission For I20070717-0800
The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 29853. [Workbench] OpenWithMenu and setFile (FIXED)
+ Bug 35243. [Import/Export] File and Import and Export Dialog have
inconsistent labels (FIXED)
+ Bug 46197. [Workbench] bogus javadoc for IMemento.TAG_ID (FIXED)
+ Bug 63075. [PropertiesDialog] The file size in the file Properties
dialog and the file Properties view is not formatted for the locale
+ Bug 70370. [Viewers] ViewerDropAdapter couples auto-scroll and auto-
expand (FIXED)
+ Bug 72489. [Dialogs] ErrorDialog resize behaviour should be
improved (FIXED)
+ Bug 73092. [IDE] WorkspaceModifyOperation does not avoid updates,
although comment indicates it does (FIXED)
+ Bug 74549. [Workbench] UIPlugin should remove
initializeDefaultPreferences (FIXED)
+ Bug 82937. [Dialogs] There is no title in the dialog (FileDialog
class) (FIXED)
+ Bug 85742. [RCP] Doc clarification required for
IWorkbenchConfigurer.create* (FIXED)
+ Bug 93353. [Dialogs] InternalErrorDialog#buttonPressed should
explicitly call super (FIXED)
+ Bug 93373. [Intro] TipsAndTricksAction should not use magic numbers
+ Bug 95292. [Intro] Help > Welcome missing F1 context (FIXED)
+ Bug 95882. [Progress] Provide toString() for PendingUpdateAdapter
+ Bug 96943. [Dialogs] [open type] Open Type dialog should open menu
on Ctrl+F10 (FIXED)
+ Bug 97229. [Dialogs] ListSelectionDialog should be resizable by
default (FIXED)
+ Bug 97667. [Preferences][PatchProvided] Pref Page General/Editors -
problems (FIXED)
+ Bug 98467. [WorkbenchLauncher] [Preferences] Workspace path with
comma (ASSIGNED)
+ Bug 101468. [Workbench] Incorrect doctype line in package.html
files (FIXED)
+ Bug 103747. [Viewers] calling refresh on treeviewer in treeExpanded
function, but it mess (FIXED)
+ Bug 107029. [Dialogs] API - Many resizable dialogs do not have a
maximize button, but should. (FIXED)
+ Bug 107771. [WorkingSets] Working Set selection dialogs have thier
own image caches (FIXED)
+ Bug 108479. [Preferences] Workspace preference page is not
correctly vertically aligned (FIXED)
+ Bug 109389. [JFace] API - IntegerFieldEditor does not fire
property change all the time (FIXED)
+ Bug 111034. Eclipse allows me to create a project named
'.metadata' (FIXED)
+ Bug 121727. [Viewers] ContentViewer.getLabelProvider javadoc is
wrong (FIXED)
+ Bug 121789. [Viewers] ColorAndFontCollector javadoc is wrong (FIXED)
+ Bug 121794. [Viewers] preservingSelection(Runnable) comments are
stale (FIXED)
+ Bug 121796. [Viewers] getControl() contains no javadoc (FIXED)
+ Bug 121797. [Viewers] internalRefresh(Object) (FIXED)
+ Bug 123169. [Progress] NPE from JobInfo (FIXED)
+ Bug 124282. [Dialogs] TypeFilteringDialog: label has wrong case
+ Bug 128526. [ViewMgmt] Show View Dialog should remember size &
location (FIXED)
+ Bug 128529. [ViewMgmt] Show View Dialog should be able to show a
view's description (FIXED)
+ Bug 130315. [JFace] ImageRegistry.put(String, Image) cannot accept
null Image (FIXED)
+ Bug 131989. [Browser] NullPointerException in
WorkbenchBrowserSupport.createBrowser (ASSIGNED)
+ Bug 135818. ITreeSelection does not offer getElementComparer() (FIXED)
+ Bug 138034. [Preferences] Label decorations page - extra space (FIXED)
+ Bug 140041. [Preferences] ConcurrentModificationException in
WorkingCopyManager.applyChanges (FIXED)
+ Bug 142802. [Markers] FieldSeverityAndMessage should protect
against uninitialzed images (FIXED)
+ Bug 144219. [Workbench] org.eclipse.tests.ui.harness has
unneccessary reliance on ide (FIXED)
+ Bug 156852. [Wizards] New spelling error marking: add to dictionary
and fix with dictionary (FIXED)
+ Bug 161026. [Wizards] ProjectContentsLocationArea uses wrong file
separator (FIXED)
+ Bug 162505. [Markers] DCR: Make MarkerView API (to support client
feedback view) (ASSIGNED)
+ Bug 164662. [Workbench] Minor typo in IPageLayout (NEW)
+ Bug 165676. [JFace] Add javadoc to Window.close() to tell that no
shellClosed event is sent (FIXED)
+ Bug 172261. [Actions] When rename a file in one project's
navigator, the other selected file's name is renamed (NEW)
+ Bug 174228. [Preferences] PreferencePage javadoc needs tidying up
+ Bug 177767. [Markers] In task preferences dialog, negative value
results in internal error (FIXED)
+ Bug 180248. [Progress] NPE in JobTreeElement.compareTo(...) (FIXED)
+ Bug 180701. [JFace] API - Popup dialog is creating image
descriptors every time it is opened (FIXED)
+ Bug 180731. [Preferences] Appearance preference page should have
keyword 'animations' (FIXED)
+ Bug 180989. [Progress] Stale API field in
IWorkbenchSiteProgressService (FIXED)
+ Bug 182354. [Dialogs] API - make ElementTreeSelectionDialog usable
with a FilteredTree (FIXED)
+ Bug 182505. [FieldAssist] API - ContentProposalAdapter needs
hasProposalPopupFocus() method (FIXED)
+ Bug 184423. [JFace] ColorRegistry.getRGB(String) can return null
+ Bug 185347. [Progress] Concatenate task and subtask with ": " in
ProgressMonitorPart (FIXED)
+ Bug 185500. [Common Navigator] DND allows to Drop Projects on
Projects but shows error (FIXED)
+ Bug 185892. [Import/Export] Unexpectedly cursor moving in import
dialog. (FIXED)
+ Bug 186344. [CommonNavigator] Project Explorer duplicates Working
Set actions (FIXED)
+ Bug 187877. [EFS] Null pointer exception when getting path of
FileEditorInput whose file does not exist (FIXED)
+ Bug 188269. [IDE] [Dialogs] - conflicting mnemonics caused by
AbstractEncodingFieldEditor (FIXED)
+ Bug 188448. Javadoc for PathEditorInput#getPath is ambiguous (FIXED)
+ Bug 189636. Custom rule template failing (FIXED)
+ Bug 189867. [Preferences] [preferences] Editors prefs page should
have keywords 'restore' and 'state' (FIXED)
+ Bug 189885. [Dialogs] SafeRunnableDialog class Javadoc contains
special char: é (FIXED)
+ Bug 190360. [pde viz] Nodes appear on top of one another (FIXED)
+ Bug 191042. Missing since tags in schemas (FIXED)
+ Bug 191147. [CommonNavigator] Problem with selection causes view to
fail to load (FIXED)
+ Bug 191694. [EFS] NPE in FileEditorInput.getPath (NEW)
+ Bug 192536. [Progress] Progress view doesn't differentiate between
cancelled and canel requested (FIXED)
+ Bug 192577. Support explicit "Embedded" type for
IReportItemPresentation (NEW)
+ Bug 193260. [Databinding] Incorrect javadoc for TextObservableValue
+ Bug 194353. [DataBinding] AbstractStringToNumberValidator caches
message across validation requests (FIXED)
+ Bug 194587. [DataBinding] Policy.getLog().log() could be a bit more
informative (FIXED)
+ Bug 194790. [DataBinding] ObservableTracker/CompositeUpdater
improvements (NEW)
+ Bug 195152. [KeyBindings] NPE when opening Keys preference page
+ Bug 196204. [Intro] SWT Welcome RSS Feed doesn't Work (FIXED)
+ Bug 196352. [WorkbenchLauncher] Null Display using
Display.getCurrent() (FIXED)
+ Bug 196362. [Themes] Incorrect use of
IThemeRegistry.HierarchyComparator in ThemeElementHelper.addDefaulted
(...) (FIXED)
The following projects have changed: