I have a context menu extension (org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus) declared in
the plugin.xml with objectContribution for : org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart
so that it appears in all editors.
I need to create a tooltip (org....swt.widgets.ToolTip) for the
menuitems in the context menu. I want to add a ArmListener to the
menuitems so that whenever i hover on the menuitems i can see the
Currently I have placed the code in the run method of the
ObjectActionDelegate class of the actions (menu items) where i can :
1)access the menuitems of the context menu 2)add ArmListeners 3)add
But the main problem is that this all happens when i click
on the action ( i.e. run method of the ObjectActionDelegate is called).
I want the functionality whenever i hover on the menu items.
Please tell me where can i hook the code so that without
any click on the menu item , i should see the tooltip whenever i hover
on the menu items.
I hope I have explained my problem clearly.
Please help me out of this.
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