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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Build submission (I20060124-0800)
>+ Bug 93955. [Undo] [implementation] Rename Type/CompilationUnit
>flushes the editor undo stack
Wow, wonder do happen. This bug gets marked as fixed while Platform Text is
still working on it ;-)
Guess the automated script needs a bit of work, e.g. check whether the bug
is marked fixed or change the header above the list.
Boris Bokowski
om> To
Sent by: platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
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g Subject
[platform-ui-dev] Build submission
24.01.2006 04:30
Please respond to
"Eclipse Platform
UI component
developers list."
The map file has been updated for I20060124-0800. The following fixes
are included:
+ Bug 93955. [Undo] [implementation] Rename Type/CompilationUnit
flushes the editor undo stack
+ Bug 109661. [Presentation] Improve customizable window trim
+ Bug 118323. [DataBinding] Need editing life cycle events on the data
binding framework
+ Bug 119634. EFS UI Support in project wizard
+ Bug 119890. [ViewMgmt] Allow control of view tab compression
+ Bug 120023. TVT3.1.x:TCT244: Should Hebrew characters be added to
valid mnemonics?
+ Bug 120921. [PopupDialog] Keybindings lost after using PopupDialog
+ Bug 121254. [CommonNavigator] Comments on ICommonActionProvider
+ Bug 122814. NPE in ResourceMappingMarkersTest.testResourceMappings
+ Bug 122861. [Common Navigator] Support for programmatic control of
+ Bug 123392. [PopupDialog] Quick Outline stays up after opening
"view" menu
+ Bug 123496. [IDE] Use operation validation API for IDE actions
+ Bug 123758. [DataBinding] CComboUpdatableValue Doesn't Handle Text
That Isn't in The List of Selected Items
+ Bug 123972. [Undo] Support approval of undoable operation execution
+ Bug 124124. [Markers] Group sorting needs criterea other than lexical
+ Bug 124138. NPE in FieldCategory
+ Bug 124162. [Contributions] Warnings in log about Next/Previous
Annotation action contributions
+ Bug 124201. [Viewers] Additional baheviour for TreeSelection
+ Bug 124202. [Field Assist] - decorated fields should not size the
created control
+ Bug 124376. Widget is disposed exception in FilteredTree
+ Bug 124387. Updating service model
+ Bug 124529. [EFS] Need file system support in linked resources
+ Bug 124656. Several ui plug-ins have references to plugin and
fragment.xml in build properties
+ Bug 124673. [Commands] handlers: TextActionHandler's text actions do
not work as expected
The following projects have changed:
+ org.eclipse.core.commands
+ org.eclipse.jface
+ org.eclipse.jface.databinding
+ org.eclipse.jface.tests.databinding
+ org.eclipse.ui
+ org.eclipse.ui.ide
+ org.eclipse.ui.navigator
+ org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources
+ org.eclipse.ui.tests
+ org.eclipse.ui.tests.navigator
+ org.eclipse.ui.workbench
+ org.eclipse.ui.win32
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