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[platform-ui-dev] Event listener for Workbench

Hi All

I am a newbie to Eclipse - writing a new plug-in - not sure if this is the
correct forum for UI events question -

I need to create a global event handler to trap Eclipse events and pass them
on to a non-Java based environment. For this, I would like to register an
event listener to the Workbench to listen to all the events like -
- menu selection events (i.e. Edit/Copy or a newly added menu)
- resource events 

I have already figured out how to register to resource events
(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().addResourceChangeListener()) but I need help
in registering to the menu selection events. The event listener is not
intended to provide actual actions by retargeting the action but just to
listen to events and pass them along. 

Is this possible in Eclipse? Any help is highly appreciated.



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