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Re: [platform-releng-dev] A word on "production builds" ...

On 10/08/2014 03:33 AM, David M Williams wrote:
Despite your loaded language, you have inadvertently given a good example ... of how *that* build is inadequate. :)  [Seriously, just kidding, with my language, but there is a "bug" in that build, or some limitation, as Git history shows that issue that was fixed 7 days ago.]
Ok, thanks for this piece of information and catching a bug in the build. I'll re-check the job configuration.

And, even faster detection of that particular type of problem can be achieved by installing the "releng tool" and turn on the preference that shows such POM/MANIFEST version "mismatches" directly in your workbench.
I believe the m2e-tycho connector checks that too. However, I don't know what part of contributors are actually using releng tools or enabling Tycho on Platform bundles.

While I won't waste our (and reader's) time arguing pros and cons on this list -- we both obviously have our biases about "the best" way to work -- I do believe there are many ways to do things. Some are very much "developer" oriented, and some people these days shy away from "self hosting" that others embrace. But, some methods are very much "adopter" oriented, which is how I define "a production build" (to answer one of your questions) -- it is one that we deliver to the release train and adopters as our official downloads and repository. And we have a number of criteria for those, such as repeatability, maintainability, valid qualifiers, etc.,
An additional constraint I add to projects I work on is "anyone can build locally or on a CI server by fetching code and running mvn clean install", which guarantees more portability. The Hudson eclipse-aggregator-master is meant at checking this constraint is satisfied.
we've listed a couple of times, and while not perfect, I think our current production build is headed in the right direction. If and when the PMC decides someone else should produce the production build, using what ever methodology they want, that's fine with me. But, for now, that's my assignment ... and I do the best I can (with the help of a great many people ... including you!).I think the Gerrit builds that others have set up (and that I know little about) serve a good, useful purpose for some people, for some purposes, but the end result is not production quality bits -- at least for our large, complicated project.
By "Gerrit builds", you mean "Hudson builds"? Builds verifying Gerrit patches before they get merged are indeed not for production as their purpose is to test suggested change before they get accepted, but what's the difference that makes other jobs doing "mvn clean verify" on latest aggregator repository not good for production?

I know some people will say, "Well, it could, if you made the investment to refactor your repositories and code so that it better fit the Maven/Tycho model... " but ... as far as I know ... no one is willing to make that large investment, up front, and instead we all try to make slow and incremental progress.
'Nough said? (I've already been too wordy. :)   Appreciate your (and everyone's) help, and any  constructive  suggestion is always welcome. Its probably best to enter those as a bugzilla entries where issues/suggestions can be tracked and prioritized more easily along with everything else that needs to get done.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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