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RE: [platform-help-dev] Eclipse Help in our own Tomcat

> Dorian, I will do the leg work but I need some hooks.

> Has Tomcat been MODIFIED to work under Eclipse or is it STANDARD TOMCAT?

Slight modification. Check the about.html file inside the tomcat plugin.

> Any other useful pointers?

Search the archives of this mailing list, the eclipse.platform newsgroup and look at the help code, starting with the and org.eclipse.tomcat plugins, then the other eclipse help plugins.

Basically, tomcat is embedded in eclipse by passing a custom class loader that allows each webapp (particularly the help webapp) to have access to both the regular tomcat webapp class loader and to that of a particular eclipse plugin.

If you want to embed the enitre eclipse (well, the subset needed by help), you will have to worry about URL stream handlers (both tomcat and eclipse define a factory), class loaders and any other potential conflicts (such as xerces).

If you want to do a straight port, then you'll have to implement some of the basic eclipse runtime functions that help makes use of.

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