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[platform-dev] Link Handler Auto Registration?

There has been quite some activity around auto registering link handlers.   For whatever reason that's not clear to me, in my Oomph development environment, the method org.eclipse.urischeme.internal.registration.RegistrationWindows.getEclipseLauncher() returns null.  In the end, that's because <workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.install_folders/1592731586281 does not contain a *.exe.  In my Platform SDK environment there is an eclipsec.exe in that analogous folder when I do a self-hosted launch. In any case, a null launcher subsequently causes this exception on every self-hosted launch:

    at com.sun.jna.Native.toCharArray(
    at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.registrySetStringValue(     at com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.registrySetStringValue(     at org.eclipse.urischeme.internal.registration.WinRegistry.setValueForKey(     at org.eclipse.urischeme.internal.registration.RegistryWriter.addScheme(     at org.eclipse.urischeme.internal.registration.RegistrationWindows.handleSchemes(     at

That could be avoided by checking for null like this in org.eclipse.urischeme.internal.registration.RegistrationWindows.handleSchemes(Collection<IScheme>, Collection<IScheme>)

    public void handleSchemes(Collection<IScheme> toAdd, Collection<IScheme> toRemove)
            throws Exception {
        String eclipseLauncher = getEclipseLauncher();
        if (eclipseLauncher != null) {
            for (IScheme scheme : toAdd) {
                registryWriter.addScheme(scheme.getName(), eclipseLauncher);

But the more fundamental question is, what is the desired/intended behavior of org.eclipse.urischeme.AutoRegisterSchemeHandlersJob?   It appears the actual behavior is that each IDE that's launched forcibly takes the registration, replacing any existing registration. Perhaps that's fine and good and is the intent, though when one has 10 Eclipse applications running like I do, it's a little questionable.  But note that in the case that a self-hosted launch happens to find a *.exe in .install_folders (avoiding an NPE error), this also implies that the self-hosted launched IDE forcibly takes over the registration such that the original host IDE itself is no longer registered.  Surely that is not the intent of the design is it?


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