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Re: [platform-dev] Taming native build scripts under Linux

>>>>> "Mikhail" == Mikhail Zabaluev <mhz@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Mikhail> 1. The native sources are islands in the build waterfall: if you
Mikhail> remove the native binaries and build the whole tree, the binaries
Mikhail> don't get rebuilt and will be missing in the distribution zips
Mikhail> with no warning.

Mikhail> 2. For building the native modules, there are hairy shell scripts
Mikhail> and makefiles. From the first glance, ant could do everything
Mikhail> these files do and more.

For our RPM we solved these problems by adding new `native.xml' files
to each module that includes native code.  Then we modified the
top-level build.xml to call these native.xml files with some
parameters (arch, os, ws, java home, and compiler choice -- I think
that's it, but I'd have to look).

Then we removed all the .so files from our copy of the tree.  Now we
can do a checkout and build everything, including all the native code,
with one command.  This is convenient for people doing development, as
well as for building RPMs.

I haven't found the time yet to try to push these patches out to the
public.  If there's interest, I can try to increase the priority of
this though.  (My impression is that there isn't.  So I've continued
to put it off.  If this impression is inaccurate I'd like to know.)


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