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[platform-debug-dev] Fwd: VariablesView contents not not showing the first time - have to switch to breakpoints and go back to variables

Hello list,

I'm working on a custom debugger (for Lambda-ProLog,
and have issues with the initial display of variables when the ProLog
program is being debugged:
 - the IDebugTarget and its unique IThread send the relevant
DebugEvents  (RESUME, SUSPEND because it always stops in main),
 - the unique IThread's getStackFrames() gets called and returns an
actual IStackFrame
 - VariablesView#contextActivate() gets called with the actual
IStackFrame, but it returns immediately because isVisible() is false.

 And indeed, I've put a breakpoint on
and it's not  called until I switch tabs (Variables to Breakpoints for

After I switch tabs the variables are displayed and continue to be
updated when I debug the program.
The problem is only for the first debug session:
 - I launch a first debug session (VariablesView empty)
 - switch between variables -> breakpoints -> variables  (VariablesView
shows variables)
 - terminate() the launch (VariablesView empty)
 - relaunch or launch a different debug session (VariablesView shows
variables when ProLog stops in main at startup)

When VariablesView is empty I see the "Variables" tab header, all the
buttons (show types, logical view, etc.), a big empty space where the
treeview would be and an empty space below where the details would be.
The context menu contains "Cast to type", contrary to after filling the

In a previous version of my plugin the VariablesView's content is
displayed at debug startup.
What has changed is that I now send RESUME, SUSPEND, CHANGE events in a
timely manner.

Does somebody have an idea to point me in the right direction ?


plugin version:
org.eclipse.debug.ui 3.9.v20130516-1713
org.eclipse.debug.core 3.8.0.v20130514-0954

I also have CDT installed (contributing the "Add global variables" button in the VariablesView toolbar, but unused).

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