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Re: [platform-debug-dev] Launch Configuration UI Enhancement

Hi Chris

This looks similar to . I suggest you add your comments there along with some screenshots that illustrate your feature(s). We can then discuss in the bug which parts would be useful for Eclipse and then you could provide patches that implement this inside Eclipse itself.


From: Chris Sinjakli <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx,
Date: 04.11.2012 23:57
Subject: [platform-debug-dev] Launch Configuration UI Enhancement


I recently did some work on a UI enhancement for the Eclipse Debug
framework. It adds keyboard support, with a pop-up dialog, for
relaunching anything you recently ran/debugged.

I was wondering if there would be any interest in including such an
enhancement into a release of Eclipse. It's something I've found very
useful in my workflow, and have a few friends/colleagues who've
adopted it into theirs.

The source code is at:

and you can get the latest release (just goes in dropins for now) from:

I've got a few ideas for improvements already, but I'd be interested
to get feedback on what's there.

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