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Re: [platform-debug-dev] setting Debug View selection programmatically

Hi Bill,

Except for the model deltas, there currently is no public API for setting selection in the Debug view from the outside.  The technical problem is that the Debug view is lazy loading, which means that if try to call setSelection() with an element or even a TreePath, the viewer will not be able to select this element if it has not been revealed yet.

One alternative is to use the ITreeModelViewer.updateViewer() method with a selection delta.  This is equivalent to posting the delta from your model and it means that you need to know all the indexes and child counts in the model.  But at least you wouldn't have to have a bogus IModelProxy in order to post this delta.  Is this a viable solution for you?

If you don't know the debug view layout.  You could create a VirtualTreeModelViewer with debug view presentation context ID, and force it to expand all elements.  This could get complicated and expensive performance-wise, so it's worth looking at other options first.


On 01/11/2012 08:34 AM, Bill Swanson wrote:

As part of the Multicore Visualizer work, I need a mechanism for setting the selection

in the Debug View (e.g. when the user selects threads in the visualizer, the corresponding

Debug View lines if any want to be highlighted).


In the original Grid View, I did this via the hacky method of constructing a Model Delta tree

with appropriate flags and passing it to TreeModelViewer.updateViewer().


However, in redoing this for the multicore visualizer I found there is a method on the viewer,

ITreeModelViewer.trySelection(), that takes a list of the model objects to be selected

and appears to handle setting the selection appropriately.


Is this usage of trySelection() as intended, and are there are any potential issues,

for example is there a planned reorg of the code that might deprecate

or remove this method?


--- WRS


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