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[platform-debug-dev] I need to know when certain views are closed.

The variables view is very expensive to keep up to date for certain

e.g. COBOL can have >10,000 variables that are considered in "local" scope.

This is definitely an extreme example but it does illustrate my

In the present implementation of the debug core, if the variables view is
not open when a debug target is created, the variables are not requested.

If the variables view is then opened the "IStackFrame.getVariables()" is
called.   I use this to turn on local variable monitoring.

But at present I don't know when to turn it off.   I don't know if there is
a way to be told when the variables view has been closed/hidden.

Could debug related views send a TERMINATE debug event when they close and
a SUSPEND when they are hidden?    For symmetry a CREATE/RESUME event could
also be issued too but is not required because the call to get something
lets me know that the view is visible again.

Alan Boxall

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