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Re: [platform-core-dev] Re: IResource outside the workspace

More responses below...

Bob Foster wrote on 28/07/2005 02:00:58 PM:
> But I do agree. People (who don't have a Smalltalk background) want to
> use files in the file system. They don't want any restrictions about
> where those files are. They don't want products filling up their folders
> with metadata, refusing to work except on "blessed" folders, telling
> them where they can create folders, or any of the other restrictions
> Eclipse has.
> Yes, Eclipse is wildly popular. People will take the bitter with the
> sweet. But why leave the bitter in if it's not necessary to solve the
> problem?

It keeps us employed, alternately removing and adding bitterness with each release ;)

> A project is just a folder with some associated metadata. It doesn't
> need to be in a special location. The metadata doesn't need to be stored
> in the project folder.

True. In fact, metadata wasn't stored in the project folder in Eclipse 1.0. However, people wanted it there so that when the project was transferred to another workspace, either via repository or zipping and emailing to a friend, it wouldn't be lost and require recreating.  Here's the design doc that proposed the change:

> The current workspace serves two functions; it is used to store metadata
> for a collection of projects and it is used as the root folder for
> projects. The latter is an unnecessary restriction. The location of
> project folders is part of the metadata.

The latter isn't even a restriction. If you don't choose your own location in the project wizard, the workspace location is just used as the default.  However, you have always been able to store each project in a different location on disk, separate from other metadata, if desired. There is a danger of confusing the "workspace" directory on disk with the IWorkspace and IResource API.  The "workspace" directory is actually defined by the base Eclipse runtime (which calls it the "platform instance data area" just to add confusion), and its default name is more of an historical artifact.

> I can't quite see the picture that Ed has in his mind. If it's a
> Navigator view with C, D, E and F drives at the top level, I don't agree
> with it. An IDE needs to focus. Users really don't want you to search
> their entire file systems. If, however, it's a view containing
> user-selected folders that they have chosen to designate as projects of
> one type or another (or multiple types), that sounds about right to me.

This also roughly sounds like what we have now...

> To respond to this requirement, Eclipse is slowly eking out little
> tweaks that liberalize file system access. Linked projects, folders,
> files. File > Open File. But these little changes are either too small
> to make much practical difference or, as in the case of Open File, leave
> broken API and dangling end cases in their wake. IResource now stands as
> the great divide between Eclipse-based products and RCP. Maybe it's time
> to go after the real problem.

When the split was made between RCP and IDE portions of the platform, IResource was actually explicitly chosen as the dividing line. Many RCP apps don't have any user files that they operate on.  Those that do often don't need things like projects, builders, markers, and other IDE-like concepts attached to IResource.  And if they want that stuff, they can always add org.eclipse.core.resources to an RCP app.  I must admit that by throwing RCP into the conversation you've lost me about what the "real problem" is...


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