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AW: AW: AW: [platform-core-dev] Getting the input stream for a resource - can't be that difficult!


I managed to get the generated (it is not there by default) and after finding out that the classpath is a comma-separated list - it's now working.

Thanks a lot


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Peter Kriens [mailto:Peter.Kriens@xxxxxxxx] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. April 2005 12:31
An: Ploett Norbert
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [platform-core-dev] Getting the input stream for a resource - can't be that difficult!

Ah, the nice little issues between OSGi and Eclipse. You should be
able to put this in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (this was generated by
Eclipse but is editable and Eclipse will read it).

Good luck :-)

Kind regards,

     Peter Kriens

PN> Peter,

PN> thanks for your hint. After some search I have to admit that
PN> cannot find any  "Bundle-Classpath manifest header" to put the dot
PN> in. Where do I find this?
PN> (Using eclipse 3.0.1)

PN> Norbert

PN> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
PN> Von: Peter Kriens [mailto:Peter.Kriens@xxxxxxxx] 
PN> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. April 2005 09:18
PN> An: Ploett Norbert
PN> Betreff: Re: AW: [platform-core-dev] Getting the input stream
PN> for a resource - can't be that difficult!

PN> If you put the '.' in the Bundle-Classpath manifest header, then you
PN> can use your absolute version of the path name.

PN> An OSGi plugin has a single root, which is its JAR file. Eclipse, for
PN> some reason, puts the code in JAR files, but then uses a directory as
PN> the root, i.e. the plugin directory. This root is normally not
PN> searchable for classes. However, the OSGi has specified a
PN> Bundle-Classpath header that tells how to use the "root". The '.' is
PN> the root directory itself, but you can also specify directories or JAR
PN> files. These JARs/directories are then searched in order.

PN> You probably can achieve this by putting the plugin directory on the
PN> classpath (or any other directory you want searchable).

PN> Kind regards,

PN>      Peter Kriens

PN>> Peter,

PN>> putting the resource into the class directory actually helps,
PN>> but it is not a practical option for me because I actually have
PN>> over a hundred files and the path is not fixed but computed on the
PN>> fly by my code. So I would like to have those hundred-something
PN>> files stowed neatly in an extra folder.

PN>> But thanks for your suggestion

PN>> Norbert

PN>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
PN>> Von: Peter Kriens [mailto:Peter.Kriens@xxxxxxxx] 
PN>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. April 2005 15:56
PN>> An: Ploett Norbert
PN>> Cc: platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
PN>> Betreff: Re: AW: [platform-core-dev] Getting the input stream
PN>> for a resource - can't be that difficult!

PN>> Hmm, this means that they move around files ... Can you put the
PN>> resource in the same directory as your class? Then

PN>>          getClass().getResourceAsStream("myData.txt");

PN>> MUST work. It would be an error if that would not work. Eclipse is
PN>> mucking around a bit with the root. This should be OK in the near
PN>> future when they deliver their plugins as bundles (JAR files).

PN>> Kind regards,

PN>>      Peter Kriens

PN>>> Peter,

PN>>> Tried it.
PN>>> Returns null :-(

PN>>> Norbert 

PN>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
PN>>> Von: Peter Kriens [mailto:Peter.Kriens@xxxxxxxx] 
PN>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. April 2005 15:25
PN>>> An: Ploett Norbert
PN>>> Cc: platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
PN>>> Betreff: Re: [platform-core-dev] Getting the input stream for
PN>>> a resource - can't be that difficult!

PN>>> Try:

PN>>>     InputStream in =
PN>>> getClass().getResourceAsStream("/data/myData.txt");

PN>>> That should work for any OSGi platform.

PN>>> Kind regards,

PN>>>      Peter Kriens
PN>>>> Hello folks,
PN>>>> I need to read the content of a (text) file which is part of my plug-in.
PN>>>> I found a way to do this, but I feel I did it in a rather awkward
PN>>>> manner. Look at what I wrote:
PN>>>> =====snip======= 
PN>>>>         String path = "/data/myData.txt" ;
PN>>>>         Bundle b = Platform.getBundle(PLUGIN_NAME);
PN>>>>         URL url = Platform.find(b, new Path(path));
PN>>>>         URL localUrl = null ;
PN>>>>         InputStream is = null ;
PN>>>>         InputStreamReader isr = null ;
PN>>>>         try {
PN>>>>                          localUrl = Platform.resolve(url);
PN>>>>                          is = localUrl.openStream();
PN>>>>                          isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
PN>>>>                 } catch (IOException e) {
PN>>>>                         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
PN>>>>                         e.printStackTrace();
PN>>>>                 }
PN>>>> =====snap=======

PN>>>> The key seems to be to get an IFile for my URL, then the IFile will give
PN>>>> me the InputStream. But I could not figure out how to do this, hence the
PN>>>> hack (?) with Platform.resolve() and the localURL. 
PN>>>> Or is this actually the way it must be done?

PN>>>> All hints appreciated.

PN>>>> Norbert 
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PN>>>> platform-core-dev mailing list
PN>>>> platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

Peter Kriens                              Mob +33633746480
9C, Avenue St. Drézéry                    Tel +33467542167
34160 Beaulieu, France                    Tel +15123514821
AOL,Yahoo pkriens                         ICQ 255570717

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