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[photran] Converting existing gfortran code to Eclipse project

Hi photran users


I have a small f90 project that is compiled using the following bat file:


gfortran -x f95-cpp-input -Dweathergen -O3 -c -fdefault-real-8 model\parameters_site.f90 model\parameters_plant.f90 model\environment.f90 model\resources.f90 model\soil.f90 model\plant.f90 model\set_params.f90 model\BASGRA.f90

gfortran -shared -o BASGRA_WG.DLL parameters_site.o parameters_plant.o environment.o resources.o soil.o plant.o set_params.o BASGRA.o

del *.o

del *.mod



I would like to use Eclipse to work on this DLL (or if there is a better option, please suggest it). I have created a Fortran project, and can see the source code files in the IDE. But how do I set up the build/compilation/makefile within Eclipse? There is some kind of autogenerated makefile but it doesn’t work.




Simon Woodward

Senior Scientist (Mathematical Modelling)


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