Please send a code snippet that illustrates the error so we can fix
it in beta 3.
that is something that will replicate the error (i kept the original
automatic intendation)
module hello
type, public :: data
integer :: n
real ,allocatable :: a(:)
end type data
end module hello
it seems that is not really a crush. After staying a long time to load
a file in the editor it is frozen. If I wait long enough will become
"functional again". there is no log file in the .meta.. dir now.
but, i found another problem in outline view
module test2
implicit none
integer, parameter, public :: pr=kind(1.0d0)
real(pr) function cgc(a,x,b,y,c,z)
integer, intent(in) :: a,x,b,y,c,z
integer :: kmin,kmax,k
real(dp) :: sum,gamma
end function cgc
end module test2
instead to put there the name of the function will put the kind of real.
"...if the universities will not study
useless subjects, who will?"
G. F. Fitzgerald, Nature, 45/46, 392 (1892)
Mr. Alin M. ELENA Home Address: 19 Mount Charles
PhD Student Room G2, BT7 1NY, Belfast, UK
Atomistic Simulation Centre
School of Mathematics and Physics E-mail: Alin.Elena@xxxxxxxxx
Queen's University Belfast elena_alin@xxxxxxxxxxx
Office: +44 (0)28 9097 3557
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