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[pde-ui-dev] PDE component rename

Some of the PDE components have been renamed in Bugzilla, on the web pages,
and in the mailing lists in order to better reflect their use and their
project structure in the /home/eclipse repository.

Starting immediately please direct bug reports, queries, etc based on the
      PDE-Build - related to the generation of the plug-in's build.xml file
      PDE-UI - all other PDE related functionality including plug-in
development and runtime workbenches. (note that this includes bug reports
which have org.eclipse.pde.core in their stack traces)

Subscriptions to the pde-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list should
automatically be carried over to pde-build-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx so you will not
have to re-subscribe.

Note that the project structure in the repository has NOT changed.


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