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Re: [pde-dev] [Target Platform editor] What's this update button?

On 02/06/2014 07:58 PM, Curtis Windatt wrote:

1) The update button currently is only supported by the p2 software site target locations.  It provides a quick way to change the version of installable units included in the target.  Doing this without the button required editing the location, unslecting the previous version and selecting the new version, then repeating for each location.  Since the UI workflow for editing p2 locations is limiting, the button serves a useful purpose.  If you have suggestions on how to make its purpose more clear, absolutely we would consider them.

Ok, thanks for the note.
It's indeed very useful. I wrote a Maven Mojo which does that. Maybe I should have been more curious and tried this update button before ;)
About a workflow, I find it a bit strange because in order to make this button useful, one already has to change the URL before this button become useful. Instead, I'd suggest that when clicking "Edit" on a p2 location, the first page to show up could be a wizard that would ask whether user wants to:
* "Change repository URL and update versions of current Installable Units". In this case, user would set an URL, click Next and see the suggested changes in the next page. Clicking Finish would apply the change.
* "Add or Remove Installable Units". In this case, Next page would show the current "Edit..." page where user can select some IUs.


2) I think this would be an improvement, as long as the user doesn't see the "re-load" button and assume the target platform has already been updated with the changes they made.

Actually, it wouldn't be a re-load button, it would be an alternative Link label to "Set target-platform".
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Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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