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Re: [pde-build-dev] & maven classpath computation

Thanks Andrew.

I'll see about plugging this into my skeleton maven-pde-plugin tomorrow/this weekend.  Either eclipse or I can setup a repo for the code and so that everyone can co the code and kick the tires on it.  I've been lurking on the list of late as I've moved groups in the company, and the move should allow me even more time to work on this as I have it as a personal goal.  Sort of my own summer of code.


On 6/29/06, Andrew Niefer <aniefer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi All,

Attached is a bundle we can use as a starting point for integrating style classpath computation with maven.  
  • was extracted from and simplified for this exercise.  In the future we may want to restore whatever parts of the removed functionality make sense for maven.  The main focus of the simplification of the assumption that we will only be building one thing at a time in maven, that is all our dependencies will exist in the repository as opposed to being built at the same time as us.  This class also generates access rules that can be passed to the JDT compiler.
  • was based on the PDEState from  It is a wrapper to the osgi state.
  • MavenGenerator is a simple example entry point that adds jar to the state and builds the classpath for a given bundle.

The next step would be to make this into a maven plugin that can interact with the maven project..

This bundle depends on the org.eclipse.osgi bundle.  Find attached a pom.xml that can be used to fetch and build org.eclipse.osgi.  (Although the pom.xml is not 100% , the bundle's version in the manifest will need tweaking).



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