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[papyrus-rt-dev] Final checks before release

Hello team, it looks like we are almost ready to release. Just a few last checks.

1. There are a couple of open gerrits: 3 are mine, but for the future, but there is also one by Remi (96940), Camille (99950) and Nicolas Fauverge (88179). What's the status on those? It looks like Remi's change is possibly obsolete now? 

2. With respect to the target platforms (internal) discussion, I have not received any objections to my now merged gerrit (100944). Any last minute objections or changes to make?

3. Unless I hear otherwise by 10:00pm CET, I will create a 1.0.0 tag for the head commit. I don't know what branching strategy should we have onwards, so I will also create 1 .0-maintenance branch, as is done with base Papyrus, unless I hear any objections.

Any last comments or to-dos?

Ernesto Posse

Ernesto Posse

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