A follow-up.
Looking into other folders there I found that the "builds" folder also contained old 0.7.x artifacts. I assumed we didn't need those either so I removed all of it.
We also have, rather confusingly, folders "rcp" and "rcps". The first contains this:
|-- nightly
| `-- 0.8.0
| `-- 20161212
| `-- org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rcp.product-win32.win32.x86_64.zip
`-- releases
`-- neon
|-- 0.8.0
| |-- org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rcp.product-linux.gtk.x86_64.zip
| |-- org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rcp.product-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz
| `-- org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rcp.product-win32.win32.x86_64.zip
`-- 0.9.0
|-- org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rcp.product-linux.gtk.x86_64.zip
|-- org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rcp.product-macosx.cocoa.x86_64.tar.gz
`-- org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rcp.product-win32.win32.x86_64.zip
And the second contains
`-- nightlies
`-- 0.8.0
`-- 20161212
`-- org.eclipse.papyrusrt.rcp.product-win32.win32.x86_64.zip
The actual p2 update sites are under "updates" whose structure is as follows:
|-- integration
| |-- neon
| | |-- 0.8.0
| | |-- 0.8.0-beta
| | |-- I201704060516
| | |-- I201704130516
| | |-- I201704200516
| | |-- I201704270515
| | |-- I201705110515
| | `-- I201705250515
| `-- oxygen
| `-- I201706220515
|-- milestones
| `-- neon
| `-- 0.8.0
| `-- M201607271727
|-- nightly
| |-- neon
| | `-- last
| `-- oxygen
`-- releases
|-- mars
| |-- 0.7.0
| | |-- codegen
| | |-- codegen-old
| | |-- codegen-old-2
| | |-- codegen-old-3
| | |-- codegen-old-4
| | |-- codegen-old-5
| | `-- tooling
| |-- 0.7.0-old
| | `-- tooling
| |-- 0.7.1
| | |-- codegen
| | `-- tooling
| |-- 0.7.1-old
| | `-- tooling
| `-- 0.7.2
| |-- codegen
| `-- tooling
`-- neon
|-- 0.8.0
| |-- R201610241656
| |-- test
| `-- test_release
`-- 0.9.0
`-- R201703231548
We also have a top-level "0.7.0" folder which looks quite outdated.
Finally we also have a "download" folder with the following:
|-- 0.7.0
| |-- N201508071412
| | `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-N201508071412.zip
| |-- N201508071431
| | `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-N201508071431.zip
| |-- N201508071616
| | `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-N201508071616.zip
| `-- N201509010919
| `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-N201509010919.zip
|-- 0.7.1
| |-- N201510120954
| | `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-N201510120954.zip
| `-- N201510121606
| `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-N201510121606.zip
|-- 0.7.2
| `-- N201512141100
| `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-N201512141100.zip
|-- 0.8.0
| |-- M201607280150
| |-- M201607280214
| | `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-test.zip
| |-- R201607280301
| | `-- Papyrus-RT-Update-test.zip
| `-- R201610241656
`-- 0.9.0
`-- R201703231548
Note that the last two "release" drops are empty.
I do not know who created all these.
So, from the above, which should I remove and which should I keep?
I assume we can remove all *-old* folders. Should we remove all 0.7.*? all 0.8.*? all 0.9.*? all test*?
Should I remove the top-level "rcps" which looks redundant? Do we need rcp/nightly?
Ernesto Posse