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[paho-dev] The Eclipse IoT MQTT Sandbox Is on the Move!

Hi everyone!

If you are using the MQTT server available at, it is now time to update your connection! We are replacing the old sandbox with a brand new one maintained by the community. 

From now on, please connect to instead. The ports will stay the same (1883 and 8883). For the time being, this new domain name points to the old sandbox; we will switch it to the new sandbox on July 16, 2019.

For more information about this change, please have a look at my blog post:

Thank you to Ian Craggs and Roger Light for their support! And thank you all for being members of our community!

Best Regards,

Frédéric Desbiens

Program Manager, IoT and Edge Computing | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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