Thanks Ian, that was helpful.
I did ask the same question at stackoverflow. Can you put
your answer
so that other might be able to use it in future.
Beside this, I have few more questions.
1) There are two projects for Mqtt Client, provided
i) mqtt-client (version 0.4.0)
ii) org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 (version 1.0.0)
What is the difference between the two. If it's just
different versions of same APIs why 1.0.0 is not available in
Maven Central Repository.
Actually till now I was using 0.4.1-SNAPSHOT through maven
central repository but now I want to switch to version 1.0.0.
2) In class MqttClient data member MqttAsyncClient
has been declared as protected in version 0.4.0 and
1.0.0 but in 0.4.1-SNAPSHOT it is declared as private
which does not allow us to overwrite the class to implement explicit
ping. Why it is so? Is there any chance it would be
private again in future release? Because if that is the case,
I will have to change my implementation with the
new release of Paho API.