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Re: [paho-dev] Python MQTT client publish.single/multiple blocks indefinitely?

Hi Tony,

publish.single() and multiple() do use loop_forever() which will block
"forever", but they use callbacks to break out of this. The
_on_publish() callback calls disconnect() when all of the messages
have been sent, and this (should) cause it to drop out of the
loop_forever() call.

If that isn't working for you, can you describe something about your
setup? (OS, Python version, ...)



On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 10:56 PM, Tony DiCola <tony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey all, sorry if this is a known issue but is it by design that the
> publish.single or multiple functions are supposed to block indefinitely?  I
> noticed the source for them connects, sends messages, and then calls
> client.loop_forever() so execution never returns back to the caller.  How is
> a client application supposed to use these functions?
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