I've fixed bug 389658 so you don't show up as a contributor to
Paho anymore :-)
On 27/01/14 20:59, Wayne Beaton wrote:
I'm investigating the missing contribution.
In the meantime, I noticed that Bug 389658 [1] is marked iplog+
(making me a contributor!). I see no IP in any of the bug
comments, I think that it's just the attachment that should be
marked iplog+
As a general rule, only attachments should be marked iplog+.
Marking the bug means that every comment is potential IP.
Unfortunately, we couldn't think of a way to prevent this
all-or-nothing behaviour on flagged bugs.
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=389658
On 01/27/2014 05:09 AM, Roger Light
Hi Ian,
The contributions to the Python client by Jan-Piet Mens haven't
appeared in the log. These were contributed via git, prior to the
change to gerrit. The contributions were small, so a CQ wasn't needed
and JP has signed the CLA. His commit message followed the required
format. There was no bugzilla report for the contribution, I was
notified by the mailing list. It looks like the automated IP log
doesn't pick up contributions made in this fashion as it only mentions
adding "iplog" to bugs.
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Ian Craggs
<icraggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All,
I've been fixing up the Paho IP log, mainly by including all the new
repositories in the project metadata. It's looking more accurate now:
I noticed that the author of the C++ client layer had not signed the CLA. I
noticed this because in the repository, I am currently noted as the author,
and in trying to correct that, I was notified that Frank had not signed the
CLA. I've asked Frank by email if he can do so, but haven't had a response
yet. I'm not sure what corrective action I need to take if Frank didn't do
Please could all committers check the log for accuracy. Any missing
contributions can be added by making sure the IP flag is set on the bug that
holds them. Let me know if you think anything is wrong.
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