Jumping back in to this conversation much later in the process.... *grin*
From the point-of-view of representing one of the existing broker implementations at the Interop Day, I'd like to clarify a few things, specifically:
- why bridge behaviour is included, since it is a) not part of the spec and b) has only been implemented outside of IBM through reverse engineering to understand the format -> wiki and mailing list clarification. I'd prefer to see this stick to the specification (as it exists by then, either 3.1, or OASIS 3.1.1 if out of draft)
- whether test code will be supplied ahead of time, and whether (if we are pairing client/server implementations) this will be in one specific language / use one client library
- whether there is any more than 1 more call planned prior to EclipseCon to hammer out any additional details, and how we will be inviting other broker providers to participate.
Also, whilst this is happening under the aegis of Eclipse / EclipseCon and Paho (and I guess now, the Mosquitto project too!) - it might be an idea if we actually had this set of conversations over on the Google Group to get wider visibility. We should also clarify the current contents of the "server support" page on the MQTT community wiki -> currently housed at