I'm using paho mqtt client on android
broker is mosquitto with default settings on windows 2008 server without any authentication
code is huge large which i used for android chat.But simply i connect with setting will message, and subscribe to topics, and publish to topics,then wait
the program, without any publish, and without setting keepalive , program suddenly lost connection cause java.io.eofexception.The occurance of this exception is between 10-20 minutes. On the other hand my friend, lost connection on every 1 or 2 minutes.His will messages comes.So he has the same problem as mine but different time intervals.His device is different from mine but it is android.
I'm using reconnection after lost connection exception.I think this is about ping problem.Broker doesn't get the ping and rise lost connection exception.
Help please,
"andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx" <andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx>
To: oguz kilinc <oguz_kilinc@xxxxxxxxx>; General development discussions for paho project <paho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: [paho-dev] lost connection - java.io.eofexception error
I assume this is the Paho Java client...
More information would be useful. If you can share the code you are using that woule be even more helpful.