Hopefully Scott will be publishing minutes but he did state that he's about to be on vacation and will cancel the next couple of calls.
- Andy G close to getting Lua client in to Git; will compare notes with Benjamin in terms of what is needed for Koneki to consume it.
- Dave intending to create a new branch in Git early next week for the new Java client updates. He's updating affected Bugzilla issues.
- I reported on Le Web, the demonstrator etc.
- I reported on discussions with Marco and Benjamin at Le Web specifically on the need to get the new Java client code out so that it can be Mavenised, put into p2 and Maven repos, and get the Eclipse plugin updated; and Benjamin's offer to work with me on Tycho build for the plugin.
- I mentioned that I don't see how we can get the initial plugin build in a repo by end of 4Q given the new Java client but I am keen to get this done asap.
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