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Re: [paho-dev] Bugzilla inbox for Paho

The project lead can sign into Foundation Portal, and they will see, somewhere, "committer tools", it you click on that, one of the choices will be "Bugzilla" (or similar) ... and from there, there's several confusing forms where you can set default assignees, add components, milestones, versions, etc.

Good luck.

Inactive hide details for Scott de Deugd---04/09/2012 05:13:08 PM---Andy, I do not see the default assignee exposed in the projScott de Deugd---04/09/2012 05:13:08 PM---Andy, I do not see the default assignee exposed in the project metadata. I  commented on your email

From: Scott de Deugd/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
To: General development discussions for paho project <paho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date: 04/09/2012 05:13 PM
Subject: Re: [paho-dev] Bugzilla inbox for Paho
Sent by: paho-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Andy, I do not see the default assignee exposed in the project metadata. I commented on your email request  from the webmaster asking about this. 

I also am trying to understand how to expose multiple Paho components to Bugzilla.


Andy Piper <andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx> 
General development discussions for paho project <paho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
04/09/2012 02:08 PM 
[paho-dev] Bugzilla inbox for Paho 
Sent by:        

As discussed on the latest call, during EclipseCon I raised bug 375470 to create a default inbox for Paho bugs

Scott/Ian C/Dave, can you please assign paho-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx as the default assignee for Paho components in Bugzilla?

Everyone else, to track new Paho bugs you can follow the paho-inbox ID via Bugzilla Email preferences: -> Preferences -> Email Preferences
Scroll to the bottom "User Watching" section and add the email address of the inbox user there.

Andy Piper | Farnborough, Hampshire (UK)
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