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Re: [p2-dev] Cannot install features into a runtime workbench

On 2011-10-13, at 6:32 PM, Andrew Eisenberg wrote:

Thanks, DJ.  Not the easiest way to set things up, but it is working for me now.  I can now debug.

The next step is to figure out how to make changes to the code and run that in the remote JVM.
You can just edit the code when you hit the breakpoint and save. As long as you don't restart the VM the changes hold.
If you think about it this is no different than starting a program in debug mode.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:10 PM, DJ Houghton <DJ_Houghton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I usually set up a remote debug session to test things like this. This is what I do:

- download a nightly build (I uses nightlies because 1) they contain the latest code which most likely matches what is in my workspace and 2) the bundle qualifiers are all the same which makes it easier if I need to export multiple bundles)
- set the following properties in the eclipse.ini file:
- In your Eclipse create a new Remote Debug launch configuration and connect to the remote session

Inactive hide details for Andrew Eisenberg ---2011/10/13 02:34:08 PM---Found out an answer: Eisenberg ---2011/10/13 02:34:08 PM---Found out an answer:


Andrew Eisenberg <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


P2 developer discussions <p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


2011/10/13 02:34 PM


Re: [p2-dev] Cannot install features into a runtime workbench

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Found out an answer:

Thanks anyway.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Andrew Eisenberg <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am working on a patch for
.  I am trying to

> reproduce the problem in a runtime workspace.  (This is the problem
> where trying to install into a Shared Install fails, but the error
> message is confusing).
> For this, in my launch configuration, I have checked "Support software
> installation in the launched application".  Also, in the plug-ins tab,
> I have selected all features.
> Then, when I launch the runtime workbench and go to About Eclipse ->
> Installation Details -> Installed software, the page is blank.  This
> seems to be causing feature-based installs to fail since the runtime
> workbench does not think there are any features installed.  Hence, I
> cannot reproduce this bug in a runtime workbench.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> thanks,
> Andrew
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