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Re: [osgi-wg] OSGi Working Group Elections Announcement - Call for Nominations

I nominate:

Participant Member: Adobe and Kentyou

Committer Mebmer: Liferay Inc.


Am 06.06.23 um 21:06 schrieb Zahra Fazli via osgi-wg:

The OSGi Working Group Charter identifies the Steering Committee and Specification Committee as the key governing bodies to drive the facets of the working group for which there are elected positions to be filled.

The elected positions are for the Participant and Committer Members for which there are two seats for Participant Members and one seat for Committer Members to be elected for the Steering Committee and Specification Committee. Note that Strategic Members each have a representative appointed to these committees.

Through this email, we are happy to announce the Eclipse Foundation will hold an election on behalf of the working group using the proposed timetable listed below. This mimics the process used by other working groups as well as the Eclipse Foundation itself for filling elected positions on our Board.  


Nomination Eligibility:

Participant Members are: Adobe, Kentyou, Liferay Inc., Software AG 

Committer Members are those who are engaged in projects under the purview of the working group.  Committers may be considered members by virtue of either a) being employed by a working group corporate member, or b) an individual committer who has executed the SDV Working Group’s Individual Participation Agreement.  If you are interested but unsure if you are a committer member, please reach out to us.

Election Schedule:

June 6-13: Call for Nominations

June 14:  Announce Candidates Standing

June 15-26:  Ballots Distributed (Voting Period)

June 28:  Announce Election Results


Nominations must be sent to this mailing list indicating related Committee/Seat.  When the nomination period is closed, we will inform the working group of the confirmed candidates providing a short bio for each along with their position statement.  At that point, we will distribute ballots via email to those eligible to vote.  The election process will follow the Eclipse “Single Transferable Vote” method, as defined in the Eclipse Bylaws.  The winning candidates will be announced on this mailing list following the close of the election.  Self nominations are more than welcome!

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Nominations are now open!.

Best Regards,




Zahra Fazli

Membership Process Lead | Eclipse Foundation

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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