Mit freundlichen Grüßen
i.A. Dagmar Hecking
Von: osbea-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:osbea-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Traupe, Holger
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2018 12:50
An: osbea-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: [osbea-wg] Invitation: OS.bea Working Group kick-off, Stuttgart, 6th June, 2018
Dear all,
the low-code/no-code movement is taking shape and beginning
to revolutionize software development at business and enterprise level:
we are forming the OS.bea Working Group under the wing of the Eclipse
Foundation. Join us to build your vanguard applications fast and easily or
adapt your existing software to your requirements rapidly. The kick-off
event will take place at
MEGA e.G., Stuttgart,
on 6th June, 2018, starting at 9.45 h.
We aim to bring together enterprises of a broad scope and variety.
Together, we will develop software more efficiently and find the adoption
of open source technology much more facile. For a first impression of the
OS.bea Working Group, click here: The
group is the organizational counterpart of OSBP software factory. It will
help participants to fully leverage this technology for their own ends. And
we invite you to join in.
At the event’s beginning, there will be a little tidbit: we sneak behind the
curtains and take a first-hand look at MEGA’s meat factory. We recommend
that you bring some warm clothes for this. You will find the complete agenda
of the event attached to this writing. We would welcome your visit. And we
would be glad if you sent us a reply via fax or email, using the answering form.
Yours sincerely
by order Holger Traupe
Communications Manager
Compex Systemhaus GmbH, Hebelstraße 22, D-69115 Heidelberg
Telephone: +49 (6221) 53 81-127
Telefax: +49 (6221) 53 81-60