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[osbea-wg] Fwd: New Working Group Proposal: OS.bea

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Betreff: New Working Group Proposal: OS.bea
Datum: 9. Mai 2018 um 16:59:08 MESZ


A proposal has been made to establish the OS.bea Working Group [1].  The goal of the OS.bea Working Group is to drive the evolution and broad adoption of technologies of the Eclipse Open Standard Business Platform (OSBP) [2]. 
The OSBP is a no-code and low-code full-stack business and enterprise application development platform based on open source technologies.

The proposed charter [1]  for this working group is available for review.   If you have any comments or feedback on the proposed charter, please send them to the mailing list [3].  All Members of the Eclipse Foundation are invited to join and participate in this working group.  If you are interested, please send an e-mail to the mailing list [3].   Based on the feedback and level of interest, the working group will be officially created in Q2 2018.

Please feel free to contact myself, Ralph Mueller (cc'd above), or the mailing list if you have any questions

Mike Milinkovich
(m) +1.613.220.3223

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