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Re: [orion-dev] I attached whole orion zip file with my ZideServlet feature .

This is for your information ...

Regards by,

K.Vinoth kumar

---- On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:49:50 +0530 Vinoth Kumar<vinothwindows47@xxxxxxxxx> wrote ----

Hi Mark ,

       I have put new ZidePlugin.js like npmPlugin.js in this zip . If you call in shell command page , "zide install"  which will call new url  "/zide" .

      I have added all entries like npm plugin . But I don't know where i missed any entries . Because still some error occurred in this page like the below

     org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Plug-in org.eclipse.orion.server.configurator was unable to load class org.eclipse.orion.server.zide.ZideServlet.

      Please kindly fix this error and reply the valid working .

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Thanks ,

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