is actually there and i try to adopt to it.
i also found it in content.jar but
tycho does not see it.
tried it on 3 different machines.
i dont know why tycho seems to ignore the R repo
although is in the composite
one point is that the composite location and content is slightly different.
I noticed that cd_asm8 bumped the version of org.objectweb.asm to 8.0.1.v20200420-1007, which is not available in orbit 2020-06M1.
I wonder if the log is complaining about the wrong missing dependency?
Can you try reverting that change to see if it resolves this error?
Some other info I collected along the way in case the above turns out to be not it.
I looked at a couple previous builds, because R20191115185527 was used in 2020-03 and 2019-12 as well, but it looks like previous builds were resolving org.apache.commons.lang from oxygen, for example:
master is still resolving org.apache.commons.lang from oxygen:
Here is the diff between cd_asm8 and master:
Here is the relevant portion of the log file from the cd_asm8/8 build:
15:39:33 [INFO] Fetching p2.index from
15:39:33 [INFO] Adding repository
15:39:33 [INFO] Fetching compositeContent.xml from
15:39:33 [INFO] Fetching content.jar from (107.42kB)
15:39:34 [INFO] Fetching p2.index from
15:39:34 [INFO] Fetching content.xml.xz from
15:39:39 [INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: org.eclipse.xtext:org.eclipse.xtext.p2-repository:2.22.0-SNAPSHOT
@ /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/xtext-eclipse_cd_asm8/releng/org.eclipse.xtext.p2-repository/pom.xml
15:39:39 [INFO] {osgi.os=macosx,, org.eclipse.update.install.features=true,
15:39:39 [ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:
15:39:39 [ERROR] Software being installed: org.eclipse.xtext.p2-repository
15:39:39 [ERROR] Missing requirement: org.eclipse.xtext.ui 2.22.0.qualifier
requires 'java.package; org.apache.commons.lang 0.0.0' but it could not be found
15:39:39 [ERROR] Cannot satisfy dependency: org.eclipse.xtext.p2-repository
raw:2.22.0.'SNAPSHOT'/format(n[.n=0;[.n=0;[-S]]]):2.22.0-SNAPSHOT depends on: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu; org.eclipse.xtext.ui [2.22.0,2.22.1)
I downloaded and extracted content.xml.
Here is the relevant unit:
<unit id='org.apache.commons.lang' version='2.6.0.v201404270220' singleton='false'>
<update id='org.apache.commons.lang' range='[0.0.0,2.6.0.v201404270220)' severity='0'/>
<properties size='8'>
<property name='df_LT.pluginName' value='Apache Commons Lang'/>
<property name='df_LT.providerName' value='Eclipse Orbit'/>
<property name='' value='%pluginName'/>
<property name='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.provider' value='%providerName'/>
<property name='iplog.bug_id' value='6450'/>
<property name='' value='Lazar Kirchev'/>
<property name='' value='l.kirchev@xxxxxxx'/>
<property name='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.bundle.localization' value='plugin'/>
<provides size='14'>
<provided namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu' name='org.apache.commons.lang' version='2.6.0.v201404270220'/>
<provided namespace='osgi.bundle' name='org.apache.commons.lang' version='2.6.0.v201404270220'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.enum' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.enums' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.builder' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.time' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.exception' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.mutable' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.text' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.reflect' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang.math' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang' version='2.6.0'/>
<provided namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.eclipse.type' name='bundle' version='1.0.0'/>
<provided namespace='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.localization' name='df_LT' version='1.0.0'/>
<artifacts size='1'>
<artifact classifier='osgi.bundle' id='org.apache.commons.lang' version='2.6.0.v201404270220'/>
<touchpoint id='org.eclipse.equinox.p2.osgi' version='1.0.0'/>
<touchpointData size='1'>
<instructions size='1'>
<instruction key='manifest'>
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.apache.commons.lang
Bundle-Version: 2.6.0.v201404270220
It provides <provided namespace='java.package' name='org.apache.commons.lang' version='2.6.0'/>, which is what the xtext build claims is missing.
Sorry, I’m not seeing the problem, hopefully Matthias or Roland will know.
i double checked. we already use the composite.
non the less the tycho build fails with
Missing requirement: org.eclipse.xtext.ui 2.22.0.qualifier requires 'java.package; org.apache.commons.lang 0.0.0' but it could not be found
when using
instead of
i have no idea why.
<unit id="org.apache.commons.lang" version="0.0.0"/>
to the tp explicitely does not help neither
Am 20.04.20 um 20:39 schrieb Matthias Sohn:
All the repositories linked on the download page
are composites combining the last release of the old Orbit build
with a version of the recipe based new build. The R-builds are releases
for each of the Eclipse releases, S-builds are stable builds meant for milestone
builds of the current Eclipse release in development and I-builds are integration
builds if you want bleeding edge.
Is there a composite that can be used ?
On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 1:24 PM Dietrich, Christian
<christian.dietrich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> seems to miss commons.lang. is this intended?
Yes, because the drops2 folder is for content built using orbit-recipes.
Both commons-lang 2.6.0 and commons-lang3 3.1.0 were built using an
approach before that.
does contain them though, since it's a composite combining the new and
old content.
Roland Grunberg
On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 1:24 PM Dietrich, Christian
<christian.dietrich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> seems to miss commons.lang. is this intended?
> Thanks and regards
> Christian
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Christian Dietrich (Diplom-Informatiker (BA))
Softwareentwickler / -Architekt
Committer and Co-Lead for Eclipse Xtext
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