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Re: [orbit-dev] SWTChart - library not in Maven central

I recommend opening a bug to capture the discussion.

My initial reaction is that I don't like eclipse-ipapproved, but you're on the right track by making it explicit that the library is IP approved. It's also good form to avoid conflicting with other entries that might already be in Maven Central.


On 09/12/15 03:17 AM, Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:
Hi Philip,

This process hasn't been implemented yet. It's intended to work the following way: The Eclipse Foundation will host a Maven service containing all IP-approved artifacts. You would upload the SWT Char library into this Maven service and Orbit would consume it from there.

Let's discuss this with EMO. I think t this point it's just a matter for setting up a Maven repository and uploading the library. We need to discuss what Maven coordinates we use in this case. My feeling is that we should be using a group id which allows us to identify the library as being IP reviewed, eg. eclipse-ipapporoved.<>. Thoughts?


Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
EclipseCon NA 2016

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