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Re: [orbit-dev] Declaring Build: I20131206110810 - candidate to promote for Luna M4

Hi Andreas

Possibly you resolved your problem with answers from David or Matthias. Allas the new mockito 1.9.5 bundle is, unfortunately, not ready. My colleague tested it and it has now the problems described in bug 403676.

But it does surprise me that the new mockito bundle worked for you. Do you use "required bundle" or "import package"?


Stephan Leicht Vogt
Senior Software Architect

BSI Business Systems Integration AG
Täfernstrasse 16a, CH-5405 Baden
Phone (direct): +41 56 484 19 47

On 9 Dec 2013, at 11:09, Andreas Sewe wrote:


Since there have been several additions since the last promoted I-build,
I'll wait until Saturday or Sunday to promote to an S-build, but this
I-build is our current candidate to promote for use in Luna M4.

If my little programs, scripts, and hand editing are correct, it is
mostly additions, since the M3 version, but a few bundles did change in
qualifier-only ... and one has a new "service release".
Let me know if anything doesn't "look right".

does anyone else have trouble referencing the additions in their .target
files and resolving it then from within Eclispe?

I switched (from S20131024145017) to
Thereafter, the .target file still resolves fine.

However, as soon as I update the version number of either [2.2.4.v201311231704] [2.2.4.v201311231704]


org.mockito [1.9.5.v201311280930]
org.mockito.source [1.9.5.v201311280930]

the .target file [1] doesn't resolve anymore.The PDE Target Editor gives
me an "Unable to locate installable unit" or
"org.mockito", respectively.

Oddly enough, our Tycho-based build is happy with the new versions. Any
ideas what might be going on here?

Best wishes,


Codetrails UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
The knowledge transfer company

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Mobile: +49-170-811-3791

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