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RE: [orbit-dev] On the need for CQs

The rule according to the IP policy is:
        Every project that wants to reship code from a third party must have and approved CQ.

What this means to us is that some project that wants to use a lib must enter an initiating CQ.  ANY and ALL projects that want to use that same lib MUST also enter a CQ.  The subsequent CQs are very light/fastbut are needed none the less.  Since the Orbit mandate is to manage/host bundlings of libs approved for use in other projects, I suggest that the initiating CQ be entered on behalf of the project first using the lib.  We can then enter a "reuse" CQ for Orbit.  These CQs can/should be entered at the same time and the bundling can/should actually happen in Orbit directly.  The exception is where someone is incubating and trying to use the parallel ip provisions.  Orbit is not incubating and therefor cannot host libs which are in parallel IP (i.e., have not completed a full IP review).

I hope that is clearer.  Let me know if more information is needed.


"Oberhuber, Martin" <Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/04/2008 06:44 AM

Please respond to
Orbit Developer discussion <orbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Orbit Developer discussion" <orbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [orbit-dev] On the need for CQs

Hi Jeff,
I'm a little confused... is there a need to file additional CQs for existing
bundles that had their CQ approved before Orbit got real and got moved
into Orbit later?
I'm maintaining on Orbit, which is associated with
according to the IP log. There also isn't a bugzilla Entry for it

on Tools.Orbit since this lib existed before. Is there a need to
create it after the fact?
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jeff McAffer
Monday, December 17, 2007 2:51 AM
[orbit-dev] On the need for CQs

David Williams pointed out an anomaly the other day.  It seems that we have 125+ bundles in the Orbit builds (including source) but only about 23 CQs in IPzilla related to tools.orbit.  In practice these two numbers should be about the same (after factoring out the source bundles).  The IP process requires a CQ *whenever* a project chooses to use *any* third party lib regardless of whether or not that lib has already been approved for use in other projects.  AFAIK, this is true in *all* cases.  Once a lib has been approved for one project, other projects can apply to "reuse" that lib.  This reuse process is very quick and painless and the CQ workflow has a simplified process for entering such CQs.

Given that we appear to be somewhat out of whack right now, I'm working with Janet and the Foundation to see how best to get back in line.  Regardless, Orbit committers please be sure to enter the required CQs.  We can eliminate questions simply by saying that every lib added to Orbit must have a bug requesting the addition and every such bug MUST quote a CQ that is specific to the lib's use in tools.orbit.



p.s., for those of you wondering why we have to do this, it is because the board wants to know which projects are using which third party code.  This is a notification issue not so much an approval issue.  Janet and friends are just following the process set out for them by the board.
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